Testimonials on ThetaHealing®, Mediumship, Spiritual Coaching, Multi-Dimensional Healing, and ThetaHealing® Practitioner Courses
Theta Healing® Testimonials
“Feel like a new person.” (T.S., author)
“I was blown away by our session. It was magical.” (W. M., retired)
“The session we did made a difference. I am definitely more calm. My husband and I are getting along. I am much clearer with my communication with him. I am figuring out my business and it looks like my dream of having an online business is a reality.” (P.H., corporate executive)
“Patti intuitively nailed some core beliefs that have been adversely affecting my mood, and contributing to a chronic health condition, for years. Theta Healing reframed those beliefs in a way that leaves me more confident, stronger, and able to make better choices.” (E. R., sales)
“I really do feel very different. I have a level of peace I have never experienced before.” (V.A., bank manager)
“Thank you for the healing. I am feeling much more sure of myself and am accomplishing much more. I feel more at peace and clear. I am moving forward with a renewed zest.” (M.D., retired)
“I woke up today feeling fabulous. I went to an event that would normally make me very nervous, but I had no fear and I was talking and happy.” (B. S., Uber driver)
“Thanks so much. I am experiencing a lot of changes. My ankles are not as swollen and my knees don’t ache. The entity at the back of my head and neck is gone and I am not experiencing brain fog or a flattened mood. My negative thoughts that I have to fight on a daily basis seem to have left with it. I have a clearer focus of what I want to do and how I want to get there.” (C. L., animal communicator)
“Since my theta healing I have not felt my usual depression. I feel at peace with all that is going on with me in my chaotic life. My outlook on life has changed and I feel happier. I wake up every day smiling and ready for whatever challenges come my way. The instant physical healing in my damaged hand gave me hope that more healing is possible. Thank you for that, and thank you for always inspiring me.” (G.S., ASL interpreter)
“Patti Wilson brings her depth of spirituality along with 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist to quickly hone in on core negative beliefs. Accessing Theta Healing she supports her clients in transforming the negative into positive beliefs to support success and wellbeing.
Patti’s warmth and sensitivity create a safe space to nurture this inner work. I found her session to be thorough, professional and highly effective. I left feeling a great weight had been lifted from me. I highly recommend Patti to anyone who is ready to make a quantum leap in their healing and spiritual growth.” (Rev. N.W., metaphysical minister)
“The healing continues to my delight. Thank you for a very special interaction with your gift of theta healing on Monday. There is no doubt that a mindset, emotional preoccupation and an insecurity has shifted. In its place a confidence, a reassurance, a release and a reclaiming which I feel permeates into past lives, the present and into a vision of the future. I feel….happy, settled, in a secure space and grateful. I feel a sense of connectedness to the divine within myself.
I felt a sense of release during the session accompanied by colours and white light and on opening my eyes the world was bright. The wisdom of the affirming statements and the commands resonated most specifically. My preparation was that I intended this and my unshakeable faith was rewarded. You are indeed special with an authentic gift and profound humility.” (H.L., registered psychotherapist and reiki master)
“Patti is a talented theta healer. She helped me to verbalize some of my “old memory tapes” that I wanted to change. As we worked through the healing process she connected with those key conscious and unconscious beliefs that I was ready to change, and replaced them with positive beliefs. I feel a weight has been removed from my body. Although I sometimes experience the old negative thoughts and feelings, the new positive tapes quickly replace the old. Thank you, Patti!” (H.M., retired nurse)
“I experienced a Theta healing® from Patti and found it to be a deep healing. As a former psychotherapist, I know that this kind of healing is very powerful because it unites the cognitive with the spiritual. Patti is able to draw out important, deeply held beliefs and use spiritual guidance to create a wonderful healing. Patti has passion for her calling, compassion, and many years of training and experience. Thank-you, Patti, for sharing your gift for healing with me.” (S.K., artist)
“I can only thank you for the amazing experience and benefit to my well-being and my life that those four days have brought. It truly has transformed my outlook and therefore my life in so many ways. I am eternally grateful.” (W. M., workshop participant)
“I wanted to thank you for your coaching and healing. After we got off the phone, I felt amazing. I was standing straighter and my arms felt so light. I do feel different and more calm and peaceful in my mind—a welcome change from my usual busy/chaotic brain that I didn’t even realize I had. It’s interesting because as I reflect on the beliefs we uncovered (it was a lot to process!), I get twinges of pain but as I free my mind of those thoughts, the pain goes away. So I’m committed to moving forward in that calmer state of mind. It was a remarkable experience that I’m grateful for.” (H.D., entrepreneur)
“The ThetaHealing® retreat with Patti was a truly wonderful experience. I cannot recommend it more from the deeply sensitive way in which Patti understood our needs and the instruction and knowledge she imparted. I shall be eternally grateful for her bringing this knowledge and the tools to deal with whatever life has dealt in the past and to manifest all good things for the future.” (W. M, workshop participant)
Theta Healing® Course Testimonials
“Thank you for all the magic this weekend. Everything is spinning and sparkling and so exciting. It is just wonderful.” (W. M., author)
“I just wanted to say thanks for a great three days. You have so much expertise and you have a great way of making us feel comfortable and empowered. I almost always feel like “I can do this” and in the times where I am scared or less confident I feel encouraged by your leadership. Theta Healing® is such a great tool!
“I feel like I had some real breakthroughs this weekend. Among them was a click and an overwhelming joy that “it is never too late to live happily ever after”. I have that plaque up at my cottage, but it sank into my heart this weekend. The jigsaw piece that I was looking for and thought was lost… I found it! And I am so grateful.” (B.B., Professional Development Trainer)
“Thank you for a wonderful weekend. In every way it was so very special and your hosting of the course was just perfect. I loved everyone else participating and it was brilliant to be able to do it on zoom. Who would ever have thought a few months ago that this would be possible? I feel so calm, so inspired, so informed and so peaceful and most of all, so excited. Thank you for this gift.” (W. M., course participant)
Mediumship and Multi-Dimensional Therapy Testimonials
“Recently, I had a session with The Spiritual Coach, Patti Wilson that was so amazing I may have difficulty describing it. It brought me tremendous peace. I had always had a difficult relationship with my mother and none at all in the last 15 years before her passing. Patti so lovingly connected with her that it was like the two of us were sitting in a family therapy session with Patti, the only difference being that one of us was connecting from the other side.
“I came away from that session with a totally different perspective of our earthly interactions, a greater understanding of what drove her actions and true enlightenment about our joint life purpose. There was so much clarity for me. It was truly the final piece of my searching for answers that I thought were lost to me once my mother had passed over. Thank you, Patti Wilson, for the lightness you were able to instill in my heart.” (F.C., social worker)
“Today I had a mediumship reading with Patti. I felt so strongly my great grandfather had been misrepresented and misunderstood and through Patti I was able to connect with him, but more importantly to connect him and his wife, my great grandmother, so they could both ask and receive forgiveness. It was incredibly moving and healing, not only for them but for us later generations. It was love, kindness, understanding and clarity all rolled into one. Patti was incredible.” (W.M.)
“Amazing! Patti was completely accurate in the mediumship reading, and told me things she could not possibly have known otherwise.” (C. L., herbalist)
“I couldn’t have asked for a clearer vision of my mother. Mom’s healing dialogue with me was so incredible. It helped me understand her better, along with what I need to do with my own life in order to be happy.” (S. B., Clerk)
“Patti has a unique style of mediumship that is different from other mediums. The messages I received were truly comforting and inspiring. There was so much to absorb, and it all became crystal clear within hours. It was such a comfort, knowing that my son is at peace.” (D. C., Caterer)
Spiritual Coaching Testimonials
“I just wanted to thank you for today’s appointment. I feel relaxed, joyful and feel like I have more clarity….like a fog has been lifted. I look forward to working more with you in the future. You have such an amazing and beautiful energy. I can feel it just being in your presence. Thank you so much for that and your beautiful dog Maisie (I hope I spelled her name correctly). I am grateful for your journey in life that has led you to this healing work and I really appreciate your kind and compassionate heart in helping others.” (A.C., self-employed)
“At a time when I was very traumatized, in shock, and deeply grieving the loss of my husband, Patti was the hand that guided me through a compassionate grieving process. Her years as a psychotherapist, extensive grief training, Theta Healing® techniques and general immense knowledge led me to become whole again. I never thought I would feel peace again.” (B.A., executive director)
“Patti’s wisdom and gentle guidance empowered me to make many challenging yet positive changes in my life. She brings a calm demeanour, intelligence, a joyful sense of humour, warmth and an uncanny intuitive ability to understand my personal issues at a deep level. I consider Patti to be my spiritual mentor and feel privileged to work with such an amazing woman.” (H.V, personal trainer)
“There’s no escaping these current immense shifts in planetary energy for which road maps have not been provided. I knew I was truly blessed when Patti shared with me her incredible wisdom and intuition, helping me to better understand myself and my life’s purpose. Everyone should have a Patti in their corner, giving them insight and skills to become masters of their own journey. I could not have perceived what Patti, through her spirit guides, so clearly recognized and will be forever grateful for her loving support and guidance.” (C.M., yoga teacher)
“Patti, I cannot thank you enough for the reading. Yours has been the most insightful and poignant reading I’ve ever had. I feel so happy because the feelings of wanting to control everything in my life is gone; instead I feel revitalized and excited about what the future holds, for the first time in my life.” (B.D., teacher)
“Patti combines all the classical psychological training, skills and experience with guidance from spirit, to quickly and compassionately discover the source and reasons for the issues I am facing. She is able to offer profound insight into my current situation, giving me practical techniques and action steps, to make better choices, so I do not continue to repeat patterns that I have been dealing with for many years. She combines the best of both worlds, the earthly psychological perspective and the divine perspective. She seems to have a direct connection to universal wisdom and her wisdom always helps me find my way.” (G. L., teacher)
“I am finding people want to speak to me and engage with me since the course. And my husband is definitely putting me first. And I am dealing with everything in a much calmer way. All so positive and thanks to you.” (W. M., workshop participant)