Online Advanced ThetaHealing® Course (DNA 2)
Advanced Level / DNA 2 Course
When: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Via ZOOM
Fee: $500 US, $680 CAN
The Advanced Theta Healing® Course (DNA 2) course completes your core instruction as a ThetaHealing® practitioner. In addition, the more than 450 downloads (healings) that you will receive in this course will allow you to bring about greater growth and change in your own life, while accessing more energy, achieving faster healings, and contributing to the advancement of humanity.
You will also learn advanced Theta Healing® techniques for healing from the 7th Plane of Existence, becoming balanced on every plane through the 7th Plane.
To register, you must have completed the Basic Theta Healing® (DNA 1) course, anywhere world-wide. For registration or more information, contact Patti Wilson at 239-270-1876 or at spiritualcoach@hotmail.com.
DATES IN 2021: April 9-11