About Patti
Patti Wilson, M.A., M.Ed., launched The Spiritual Coach in 2012 as a way of bringing Spirit’s messages to people needing help with personal and spiritual problems. Patti combines her counseling skills with direct communication with the Spirit World in the form of mediumship, channeling and Theta Healing® to bring rapid relief to those seeking to better understand and heal themselves of emotional and physical pain.
Patti employs a wide range of psychic and spiritual abilities which she intuitively combines to offer a unique a powerful change process. Patti worked as a psychotherapist and educator for over thirty years and brings great skill, insight and compassion to her Spiritual Coaching practice.
In addition, she currently facilitates ongoing spiritual consciousness-raising groups and regularly offers courses to train and certify Theta Healing® practitioners. Patti holds a master’s degree in counselling psychology (M.A.) as well as a master’s degree in education (M.Ed.) and advanced training in Theta Healing®.
Here is a video on My Spiritual Evolution.